benefits of green tea glowiyloo

Benefits of Green Tea

As most people know that green tea has more health benefits than coffee and less caffeine levels, it is worth mentioning its benefits once again. Here are 5 reasons to start consuming green tea today:

1. Anti- inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Green tea contains antioxidants like catechins and polyphenols, they protect cells from free radical damage, inflammation and carcinogens.

2. May help to lose weight.
Caffeine and polyphenols contained in green tea increase the metabolism and provide some energy boost. Increased metabolism can help to lose weight in the long term.

3. Can help reduce stress levels.
Theanine, an amino acid, that is contained in green tea helps to calm the mind and reduce the stress level. That amino acid also can help with combating anxiety.

4. May prevent heart diseases.
Heart diseases are considered the number one reason for mortality. Prolonging life span and improving cardiovascular health is important to any health enthusiast. Green tea is full of antioxidants and that can help with improving and preventing heart disease.

5. Boost brain health.
Consumption of green tea on a daily basis may help improve memory and cognitive skills.

To conclude, it would be worth mentioning that green tea has a relatively high level of antioxidants among most leaf teas. It is low in calories and contains less caffeine than coffee and black tea. Besides those 5 great benefits of green tea, there are many more and some of them are still being researched.
Please consult your physician if green tea might be right for you, as people with some medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding might have to limit or exclude it from their diet. 

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